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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


  • finding friendship like ours is like nailing jello to a tree
  • i may be clueless n clumsy but,i have friends who love me
  • i luv my crazy gorgeous lame friends
  • our friendship is tighter than the jobros pants
  • best friends:they know how stupid im and still choose to be seen with u in public
  • they been here:when i cry,when i get heart broken,when i laugh,whenever theres been rough times,when i mad,when i happy,when i jelous,when i crazy,when i down,whwn i sad,when i pretty,when i ugly,basian they been through e verything with me thats y i can honestly call they my best friends
  • We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other
  • Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever
  • Friends never make assumptions about you. They never expect a reason to go out with you. In fact friends only expect you to be you!
  • Through life we suffer. Through friends we never have to suffer alone
  • A friendship is like a gold chain..each link is a memory from past to present..never let the chain break or else the friendship will be gone..remember gold is a valuable as the friendship is
  • It would be easier to cut off my hand than lost you as my friend
  • I may never get the chance to win the lottery. I may never get the chance to go on vacation. But I have the chance to be your friend, that chance I'll take
  • Some memories can hurt, but with you by my side our friendship will survive
  • Without a world there is no friends, but without friends there is no world
  • Never let your friendship die because of a lie, Tell the truth
  • Best friends need not be physically present, each keep the other company in the hearts
  • Good friends come and good friends go, but only the best friends stick around forever
  • Now and forever, I'll remember all the promises still unbroken and think about all the words between us that never needed to be spoken
  • True friends are never forgotten, they live within our hearts and souls.... forever , and always , dancing on our stage of memories
  • Friendship : Our greatest joy and our greatest sorrow . For without our most cherished friends our world is so often filled with sad tomorrows

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

fAmILy MoNkEy HaNiS

ketua family kterang ayah,ayah owg yg sgt caring,baek,responsible n ayh x spoting.ayah yg slalu ajar hanis math smpai pndai kalu ade ape2 yg x pham hanis slalu tanye kt ayah bb nk tanye kt ckgu mlu.then mak,mak ni owg yg grang tp x la grang sgt kalu owg wt die mrh bru die mrh2.mak jgak owg yg sgt spoting mk yg slalu kasi hanis kuar ngan membe.mak mdah ktawe bile hanis n adik bradik yg laen ade ckp bnde yg x kene(kelakar).kakak anak yg first.kakak ni cpt melenting n cpt die spoting.kakak suke karoke.sore die mmg x dpt dinafikan la mmg sdap.kterang slalu g karoke sme2 kt diva,karoke box skali sekala ja d red box 2 la x mampu.ha3.grau je.kterang nk save budget sebenarnya maklumlah ekonomi kn ngah meleset.hik3.second hanis la.hanis baek tau.hanis ske maen boling n karoke tp sore x x pe kterang just nk have fun je x kesah la sore x sdap ke picing lri ke kterang sume ske karoke best kn.lps hanis,adik hanis(baby).baby ni baek n patuh ckp owg tp kdang2 myakitkn x la mnyakit kn ati sgt.lps kterang ber3,ade lg 2 tp x ley nk cte psl diorang sbb x rapat.lps 2 owg 2,ade lg sorang nme die abid mirza.wlaupon abid adik beradik x sme mak,tp kterang rpat.abid sgt cumel cm kakak2 die.hahahaha.hah ade lg aunty hanis.die ni mak tri hanis tp kterang rpat ngan die.aunty baek tau.aunty ni la mak abid.hmm 2 je la psl family hanis.

mY bEsT fRiEnD 4 eVa

fina(babyF),najua(babyW),yana(babyY),lulu(babyL),sharifah(babyC),bella(babyN),iffah n nazihah.hah ni la my best friend.syg giller la kt diorang.wlau pon kterang ni best friendtp kdang2 gdo la gak mne x nye msing2 punye cre n kerekter laen2.ape2 pon syg gle kt diorang.

Monday, October 26, 2009

testing HEE

hello hello testing one two three hee

by syarafina :)