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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

azam 2010

esok 01.01.10 thn bwu.azam thn ni x dpt nk dilaksanakn.kononnye nk taubat n x nk tnggal dpt wt kejap je.ikot mo0d.thn ni kononnye nk study btol2 4 pmr tp blaja men2,next year nye azam nk blaja btol2 disbb kan result p,r ari 2 x bpe marvelous(bak kate abg raja).so kne start study 4 spm.form 4 bkn mse 4 honeymo0n so kne la study x nk hampekn harapan mak,ayah n aunt.rse nk bwk azm thn ni ke thn dpn x nk tnggal solat,blaja btol2 n jdi anak yg bek.this year da kumpul jam next year nk kumpul ape lak ae???kumpul ilmu la kot..haha perasan je blaja pon men2 je cm ne nk kumpul ilmu???rse kne sntiase ade owg bg motivasi kot kalu nk capai sume azam thn dpn.h0pe next year better than this year.

Friday, December 25, 2009

my pmr result

haa 4a 4b.sume yg target dpt a alhamdulillah,math,ag n kh dpt a.yg len sume b.x sangke sns dpt b ingat dpt c or d.alhamdulillah dpt b.ha x dpt la hadiah yg tlah ditawarkn oleh mak,ayah n aunt.hahaha ayt bkn men gramatis glerr.ha tp x pela da x de rezeki kn nk wt cm ttap sdeh.x pela bnde dah lps kn.2 la yg ayh,mk n aunt ckp ble btau dowg my da tau kt mne klemahannye jd kn 2 satu pengajaran.yg pnting pk 4 d future spm.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

result pmr

aha.semalam result pmr kluar.wlaupon x dpt ape yg aku target bsyukur je la.lg pon x de c n d.sume a n b je.ok la 2.lg pon slalu exam biase ade c nd kli ni x de.4a 4b cntek je kn.hahaha.dlm group baby fina la yg pling ok.7a 1b terer gle.anyway congrates 2 all of u.

Monday, November 30, 2009

bile result PMR nk keluar??

wohoo..rse tkot lak ble pikir pasal result pmr.bile ni result nk kuar.ntah brape la aku dpt kn.huh.mntak2 7 atau 8 A.insyaallah.amin.cozen2 n membe lame sibuk tanye target brape.tensyen tol la.aku doa kn semua bdak2 yg amik pmr dpt result yg cmerlang.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ke nusajaya n CIQ

smalam,3 nov 2009 bdak2 form 3 sigs pegi nusajaya n ciq(jb).mle2 rasa mcm boring sbb g tmpat yag dlam jb je tp mmang best sgt.first kterang g nusajaya.tmpt 2 mmang cantik ala2 putrajaya gitu.amik gmbar x yah ckp la bnyak giller.lepas tu g makan kt singgah slalu.then g pula ke jb central.tmpt ni cntik gak tp x leh amik gmbar bnyak sgt sbb kaw best sgt.

bosan bosan bosan

hari ni x g skola coz mls n lg pon kalu g x de aktiviti yg menarik.ingat nk g cri kje ngan member(fina) tp x jdi.dah brape kali dah cancel geram je kan...x pe la len kali g ngan mak je lg snang boleh suro mak tanyekan.yg pnting ari ni memang bosan gile sbb x de cte best kt tv...x tau nk buat ape kat rumah tp mls nk g skola.BOSAN BOSAN BOSAN!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


  • finding friendship like ours is like nailing jello to a tree
  • i may be clueless n clumsy but,i have friends who love me
  • i luv my crazy gorgeous lame friends
  • our friendship is tighter than the jobros pants
  • best friends:they know how stupid im and still choose to be seen with u in public
  • they been here:when i cry,when i get heart broken,when i laugh,whenever theres been rough times,when i mad,when i happy,when i jelous,when i crazy,when i down,whwn i sad,when i pretty,when i ugly,basian they been through e verything with me thats y i can honestly call they my best friends
  • We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other
  • Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever
  • Friends never make assumptions about you. They never expect a reason to go out with you. In fact friends only expect you to be you!
  • Through life we suffer. Through friends we never have to suffer alone
  • A friendship is like a gold chain..each link is a memory from past to present..never let the chain break or else the friendship will be gone..remember gold is a valuable as the friendship is
  • It would be easier to cut off my hand than lost you as my friend
  • I may never get the chance to win the lottery. I may never get the chance to go on vacation. But I have the chance to be your friend, that chance I'll take
  • Some memories can hurt, but with you by my side our friendship will survive
  • Without a world there is no friends, but without friends there is no world
  • Never let your friendship die because of a lie, Tell the truth
  • Best friends need not be physically present, each keep the other company in the hearts
  • Good friends come and good friends go, but only the best friends stick around forever
  • Now and forever, I'll remember all the promises still unbroken and think about all the words between us that never needed to be spoken
  • True friends are never forgotten, they live within our hearts and souls.... forever , and always , dancing on our stage of memories
  • Friendship : Our greatest joy and our greatest sorrow . For without our most cherished friends our world is so often filled with sad tomorrows

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

fAmILy MoNkEy HaNiS

ketua family kterang ayah,ayah owg yg sgt caring,baek,responsible n ayh x spoting.ayah yg slalu ajar hanis math smpai pndai kalu ade ape2 yg x pham hanis slalu tanye kt ayah bb nk tanye kt ckgu mlu.then mak,mak ni owg yg grang tp x la grang sgt kalu owg wt die mrh bru die mrh2.mak jgak owg yg sgt spoting mk yg slalu kasi hanis kuar ngan membe.mak mdah ktawe bile hanis n adik bradik yg laen ade ckp bnde yg x kene(kelakar).kakak anak yg first.kakak ni cpt melenting n cpt die spoting.kakak suke karoke.sore die mmg x dpt dinafikan la mmg sdap.kterang slalu g karoke sme2 kt diva,karoke box skali sekala ja d red box 2 la x mampu.ha3.grau je.kterang nk save budget sebenarnya maklumlah ekonomi kn ngah meleset.hik3.second hanis la.hanis baek tau.hanis ske maen boling n karoke tp sore x x pe kterang just nk have fun je x kesah la sore x sdap ke picing lri ke kterang sume ske karoke best kn.lps hanis,adik hanis(baby).baby ni baek n patuh ckp owg tp kdang2 myakitkn x la mnyakit kn ati sgt.lps kterang ber3,ade lg 2 tp x ley nk cte psl diorang sbb x rapat.lps 2 owg 2,ade lg sorang nme die abid mirza.wlaupon abid adik beradik x sme mak,tp kterang rpat.abid sgt cumel cm kakak2 die.hahahaha.hah ade lg aunty hanis.die ni mak tri hanis tp kterang rpat ngan die.aunty baek tau.aunty ni la mak abid.hmm 2 je la psl family hanis.

mY bEsT fRiEnD 4 eVa

fina(babyF),najua(babyW),yana(babyY),lulu(babyL),sharifah(babyC),bella(babyN),iffah n nazihah.hah ni la my best friend.syg giller la kt diorang.wlau pon kterang ni best friendtp kdang2 gdo la gak mne x nye msing2 punye cre n kerekter laen2.ape2 pon syg gle kt diorang.

Monday, October 26, 2009

testing HEE

hello hello testing one two three hee

by syarafina :)